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Teen support hopes to inform Teens to Youth related issues in the area crisis intervention, grieving, suicide, alcohol, drugs, bullying, abuse etc......

Safety and Security at Home
Being online is a fact of life for families today. Even very young children spend significant parts of their lives in digital worlds: Schoolwork, clubs, games, and chatting with family all draw them into apps and onto the Internet.

Most parents worry about how to let their children participate in online activities while maintaining their safety online and at home. In today's technologically advanced world, teaching kids how to safely navigate the internet is as necessary as teaching them how to safely cross the street.

Read on to learn more about how you can help your children learn to safely navigate the online world, from internet safety, social media use, and everything in between.

Internet safety
Young children
Elementary-aged children
Middle school and older
Social media and app safety

Digital citizenship
Lessons in digital citizenship should be focused on helping kids be respectful, responsible citizens online who can handle difficult situations as they arise. Kids should know how to use technology to make their lives and the lives of their families and communities better. They should also learn how to engage in respectful conversations with people who have different beliefs than they do. Kids also need to learn how to critically evaluate the information they read online and know the difference between a reputable source giving them actual information and an opinion or poorly sourced information.
It's Time to Start Protecting Your Whole Family's Privacy on Social Media
Teaching Kids to Be Smart About Social Media
What Should I Teach My Child About Safe Online Behavior?
Ten Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe on Social Media
Smartphones and Teens: When Should a Child Get a Phone?
Ten Tips for Cell Phone Safety
16 Safety Experts Share Teen Cell Phone Best Practices
Your Biggest Questions About Kids and Phones, Answered
Teaching Kids About Internet Safety
Internet, Mobile Phone, and Texting Safety Tips for Kids
How to Use the Parental Controls on a Smartphone
Parent App Roundup: Apps That Keep Kids and Teens Safe
This App Aims to Help Keep Your Kids Safe Online Without Helicopter Parenting
How to Set Up Kids' Devices
Cyberbullying Fact Sheet: Identification, Prevention, and Response
Cyberbullying Warning Signs
What Students Need to Know About Digital Citizenship

Safety and Security at Home

Unsilencing Stories is a podcast reflecting the voices and experiences of people in smaller centres in B.C. and Alberta who have lost loved ones to fatal opioid overdoses.

Across Canada, more than 30,000 people have died from toxic drug poisoning since 2016. In small towns and communities, the risk of overdose is much higher than in urban areas, because of a lack of harm reduction services and stigma about substance use.

In this podcast, you will hear people in Cranbrook, Prince George, and Chilliwack in B.C., as well as Medicine Hat and other parts of Alberta interviewing one another about their loved ones and grief.

The podcast is part of a community-based study facilitated by Aaron Goodman, Ph.D, faculty member at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Surrey, B.C., and students Jenna Keeble and Ashley Pocrnich

Unsilencing Stories

Recognizing and Intervening in Emotionally Abusive Teenage Relationships

he line between romantic and unhealthy behavior is constantly blurred by television and movie portrayals. Actions telegraphed as adoring or lovingly persistent can actually be emotionally abusive and could make it more difficult for teenagers to recognize those tendencies in their own relationships.

Is the power imbalance between the lead and the contestants on The Bachelor unhealthy or just part of the innate structure of the show? In Twilight, Edward reads the minds of everyone surrounding Bella in order to know what she is up to: Is that stalking, or is it supernaturally aided adoration?

Even when television is explicit about the abuse, it does not make the character immune to romanticization. Penn Badgley, who plays the stalker and serial killer Joe in Netflix’s You, had to remind fans on Twitter that his character is a murderer, not an overly caring boyfriend.

When visible relationships romanticize unhealthy tendencies, how can teenagers learn to see the signs themselves?

This article is for informational purposes. If you are experiencing domestic or dating violence, please reach out to a professional, or call the:
National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).


Security and Yor Phone
What are the Risks and How to Stay Safe

"Our digital world has opened up so many possibilities. We have pretty much all the information we could ever hope to have right at our fingertips, thanks to our phones.

However, while phones and their corresponding apps give us so much, they also expose us to risks. As so much of our world is now online, it means we are more exposed than ever to digital theft and other malicious online activity.

Most people think cybersecurity doesn’t apply to phones, but this is outdated logic. When phones were first introduced, few hackers spent time targeting them. There simply weren’t enough devices for it to be profitable, but now that everyone has a phone, hackers have upped their game.

To make sure you’re properly protected, we’ve put together this guide that outlines all the risks you face and how to keep you and your phone safe and secure."

Understanding Video Game Addiction
Everything you need to know about compulsive gaming; from acknowledging the problem to finding a solution to video game addiction
There are a reported 2.7 billion people who regularly play some form of video game, 34% of the global population. That’s more than there are fans of baseball, tennis, golf and basketball combined. For most of them, gaming is a harmless distraction. For others, a social activity where they make and meet friends from all over the world. For a relative few, however, gaming can quickly go from occasional late-night indulgence, to a full-blown obsession that takes over their lives. Witness the gamer who took his laptop to a wedding so he could indulge his Football Manager fantasies. Or the Las Vegas children reportedly suffering from Fortnite addiction. Some will scoff at such stories, dismissing them as lightweight or knee-jerk reactions to the latest craze sweeping the nation, but behind the attention-grabbing headlines, excessive gaming is a problem for many people and a genuine worry for parents. This undeniable fact raises a whole nest of questions: What constitutes “excessive gaming”? What is video game addiction? What can I do about it?

This article doesn’t have all the answers. It doesn’t even cover all the questions (although it tries), but we hope that after reading it, you’ll be able to better appreciate the issues and concerns around video gaming addiction. Whether it’s a real thing is probably as good a place to start as any…
Is video game addiction real?
Behind the headlines
What are the causes of video game addiction?
Who can be affected by video game addiction?
Seeking help for video game addiction
How to stop your video gaming becoming an addiction
Helping someone with a video game addiction problem
Video Game Addiction - Summary


Delphi Behavioral Health Group
Addiction in Children: Are There Early Warning Signs?

As we watch our children grow up from helpless babies into functioning beings, our greatest fear is the unknown that appears when we aren’t around. As our children turn into adults, our presence in their lives begins to shrink, and we have to rely on the morals we instilled in them growing up to make the right choices.

Even with everything we’ve taught them, they might succumb to peer pressure in an attempt to fit in with their friends who are experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Experimentation is common in children and young adults, whether with drugs or alcohol or other things, but what happens when it moves past that point? Are there early warning signs for addiction in children?

Substance use in children and teens has a substantial impact on their health and well-being and may cause problems later in their lives, such as addiction. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), along with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommends screening for substance use in children as young as nine years of age. Starting early can help curb potential addiction later in their lives.

Substance Use Statistics Among Children And Teens
As you might expect, alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco are the most commonly abused substances by children and young adults. This is primarily due to its legality throughout the country and easier access.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released figures showing that about two-thirds of students have tried alcohol by 12th grade. Nearly half of high school students between 9th and 12th grade reported using marijuana. An estimated 40 percent of high school students between 9th and 12th grade admitted trying cigarettes, and 20 percent of 12th graders reported using a prescription medication without a prescription.

Despite its legality for anyone under 12, the CDC found that children and young adults ages 12 to 20 consumed ten percent of all alcohol in the United States. Underage drinking can have harmful outcomes and is considered a significant health problem in the country. Excessive drinking is responsible for more than 3,500 deaths and 210,000 years of potential life lost for those under 21. It also cost the United States $24 billion in 2010 and caused 119,000 emergency room visits in 2013.

A 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey interviewed high school students in the past 30 days and found that:
29 percent consumed alcohol
14 percent admitted to binge drinking
Five percent of young adults admitted to driving after drinking
Delphi Behavioral Health Group - (844) 899-5777
1901 West Cypress Creek Rd Suite 600 - Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33309


Teenage Depression: Signs, Causes and What You Can Do
The past year has been a difficult one for all of us as we grappled with the fallout of a global pandemic. But this is perhaps most true for teenagers.

Months of lockdown, virtual learning, isolation from friends, financial troubles for families, and more have taken their toll on teenagers. Studies have found that the mental health effects of the pandemic have the most significant impact on teenagers.1

This isn’t to say teenage depression is a new crisis. It has been an ongoing crisis for some time as depression rates in adolescents continue to rise.

Whether you’re feeling depressed yourself and looking for answers or you’re a concerned parent, you’re not alone. There are many resources, treatments, and sources of help out there. This guide is one of them.
Table of Contents
Teenage Depression Statistics
What Is Teenage Depression?
Signs of Depression in Teens
Less Common Signs of Depression
Warning Signs for Suicide
How Are Teens Diagnosed With Depression?
Options for Treating Teenage Depression
Other Treatments for Depression
How You Can Help Your Teenager
We Can Help



Having a hobby can come with a plethora of benefits, such as meeting new people and finding a relaxing release from a busy schedule. Hobbies are reserved for activities that are separate from your work life so that you’re not consumed with business.
Overworking yourself is a cause of multiple physical and mental health issues, such as diabetes and depression. Not only are hobbies fun and entertaining, but they can also prevent you from developing serious health conditions.
Children are excellent at learning new hobbies, so what happens when we grow up and stop having time for new hobbies? Some think the time constraints are too much, and others might worry about the cost that a hobby might require.
However, we think that the benefits of hobbies outweigh these risks. Moreover, there are thousands of hobbies out there, all ranging vastly in different time commitments and monetary requirements. There are even plenty of free hobbies to take up!
Today we’ll be looking at the benefits of picking up a hobby, how you can choose the right hobby for you, as well as a list of popular hobbies – one of which might even catch your eye.
1 Introduction
2 Why You Should Take Up A Hobby
2.1 A hobby can make you more interesting to others
2.2 Helps with stress and mental health
2.3 Social Life
2.4 Confidence and Self-Esteem
2.5 Challenges You
2.6 Gain Knowledge
3 Indoor Hobbies
3.1 Home Cinema
3.2 Gaming
3.3 Reading
3.4 Playing an instrument
3.5 Cooking
3.6 Board Games
4 Outdoor Hobbies
4.1 Hunting
4.2 Sports
4.3 Skateboarding
4.4 Target Shooting
4.5 Adventure Sports
4.6 Running
5 How To Choose The Right Hobby For Yourself
5.1 What interests you
5.2 Budget
5.3 What’s available
5.4 Friends or peers are involved
6 Conclusion
How To Keep Your Children Safe Online: The Ultimate Guide For The Non Techy Parent

1 in 5 children who use the internet have been sexually solicited. 1 in 4 has seen unwanted pornography. Nearly 60% of teens have received an email or instant message from a stranger (half have replied.)

Do I have your attention?

The internet is a great place to hang out. Not only can all sorts of information be found there (some correct, some not so much), but it’s also a great way to stay in touch with friends and family.

Sadly, the internet is also a dangerous place to hang out – particularly for children.

Cyber stalkers, child molesters, inappropriate content, cyber bullies and more are lurking, waiting for an opportunity to reach out to your children. Such an experience could possibly damage a child for the rest of their life.

In this article, I’ll share my knowledge about protecting your kids from the dark side of the internet. We’ll look at how to monitor their computer and mobile device usage, how to set parental controls to ensure they can’t view inappropriate content and much more.

We’ll also take a look at what it might mean if your child suddenly closes an app or shuts off their computer or mobile device when you walk into the room. Also, we’ll discuss what to do if your child is being cyberbullied.

I’ll offer suggestions about how to share the internet experience with your child and how to make sure they’re okay when you’re not around to watch. We’ll cover how to control what they can see on websites, how to manage what they can purchase and download in the popular iOS and Android App Stores, and even how to set curfews for internet use.

We’ll also explore the parental controls available to you on the Windows, macOS, iOS and Android platforms. All 4 platforms offer excellent controls for parents to set limits for what apps can be used, how they can be used, and where children can go on the web as well as much more.

There are a number of great third-party hardware tools available to parents today that help them monitor and control their offspring’s internet usage. We’ll look at devices that make it easy to control internet access, including a Disney-branded device that actually puts the old “man-in-the-middle” hacker attack to good use.

And, kids love to watch videos on their computer or mobile device. So, we’ll also take a look at the controls YouTube and iTunes offer for parents to control what type of videos their kids can access.
The Dangers of The Internet For Children
How to Protect Your Kids When Theyre Online
Setting Parental Controls on Computers and Devices
Additional Ways to Keep Your Kids Safe Online
Action Steps


A hobby can be defined as ‘an activity or interest pursued pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation’. Nowadays, too many people are so focused on their work schedule that they neglect their downtime and don’t take full advantage of it.

Working too much can be stressful, leading to a number of different health issues. We need to learn to accept the fact that not everything we do has to concern our career. Don’t get us wrong – bettering your career is important too, but life is all about balance.

As children, we were excellent at picking up new hobbies at the drop of a hat. However, as we mature into adults, we lose interest in learning new things and forget how much hobbies could enrich our lives.

Today we’re going to be looking at everything you need to know before starting a new hobby, from the benefits to the different types that you could choose from. So, if you’re ready to get out of that slump and pick up a new hobby, keep reading.
Table of Content
Benefits Of Having A Hobby
Choosing The Right Hobby For You
How To Start A New Hobby
Different Types Of Hobbies
Outdoor Hobbies
Sports Hobbies
Travel Hobbies
Creative Hobbies
Food Hobbies


Scams Targeting Smartphones & Mobile Devices
Knowing how to use and navigate a smartphone, tablet, or similar device is a near necessity. However, while these devices can be helpful, our reliance on them can also be our Achilles’ heel. For the sake of convenience, we use them to both store and access a bounty of sensitive information, ranging from social media accounts to banking details. Therefore, while our devices and their management capabilities can be a great boon, they also can be a liability in terms of security.

Table of Contents
Scams Targeting Smartphones & Mobile Devices
Common Types of Mobile Scams
Fake Apps
Phone Insurance Scams
Ransomware Scams
Stolen Phones
Subscriber Fraud
Tech Support Scams
Text Message Phishing Scams
Security and Prevention Measures for Mobile and Smartphones
Learn to Spot Fake or Imposter Apps
Perform Online Searches
Do Not Give Out Personal Information
Be Wary of Unfamiliar Calls
Understand Your Device’s Security Settings
Use Strong Passwords and Pins
Be Careful When Using Public Wi-Fi
Install Updates Regularly
What to Do If You’ve Been the Victim of a Scam
End All Contact With the Scammer
Stop Making Payments
Report Smartphone and Mobile Scams
Contact Your Bank
Notify Your Phone Provider
Get Support
Resources on Preventing Scams
Resources For Victims of Phone Scams


What is Teen Dating Violence?
Teen dating violence (TDV) is a form of intimate partner violence that occurs between two teenagers who are in an intimate relationship. Teen dating violence can occur in multiple forms and can occur in both heterosexual relationships and same-sex relationships. Dating violence can occur in person but also through technology.

Teen dating violence is particularly dangerous because teenagers are vulnerable and often afraid to tell a parent or a friend what is happening to them. Additionally, when you’re a teenager you have less experience with healthy relationships and can mistake unhealthy behaviors such as teasing and name-calling as normal parts of a relationship when often they are signs of unhealthy behavior.

Teen dating violence typically escalates over time and can be hard for young people to identify. This is especially true for emotionally abusive relationships because psychological abuse doesn’t leave physical marks like physical violence does.
Table of Contents
Clear Answers for Optimal Health
What is Teen Dating Violence?
What are the Different Types of Teen Dating Violence?
What Are the Signs That Your Teen May be Experiencing Dating Violence?
What Are the Rates of Teen Dating Violence in the U.S.?
What Are the Effects of Teen Dating Violence?
How to Prevent Teen Dating Violence?
Tips for When Your Teen Starts Dating
What is CDC’s Dating Matters Program?

Adderall Addiction & Misuse Among Teens and Young Adults
Adderall is a prescription amphetamine primarily used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 1 While not everyone who uses Adderall is addicted to it, an increasing number of young adults and college students are using Adderall to get “high” and increase focus. The misuse and overuse of Adderall can create an addiction because of the way the drug interacts with the brain. 2
More and more, teens and college students are misusing this drug to serve as a study aid without considering the serious side effects that come from it. This misuse of prescription drugs like adderall is seen to be more widespread among young adults between the ages of 18-25 than those in between the ages of 26-49. 16
Looking out for signs, symptoms, side effects, and withdrawal symptoms can help you determine whether a loved one is suffering from an addiction to Adderall. If addiction is suspected, there are various treatment methods that can help your loved one recover.
Table of Contents
What is Adderall?
Why Are People Misusing Adderall?
Adderall Addiction
What Causes Adderall Addiction
Addiction Signs and Symptoms
Dangers of Adderall
Side Effects
Snorting Adderall
Adderall Overdose
Recognizing an Addiction
Withdrawl and Treatment
Withdrawal Symptoms
Treatment Options

Study reveals the real perpetrators of sexual assault against adolescent girls in Canada

Christy Somos Writer
@C_Somos Contact
Published Thursday, December 12, 2019 10:59PM EST

TORONTO -- A new study of Canadian sexual assault cases shows that raising the age of consent from 14 to 16 has not led to the prosecution of significant numbers of young men for engaging in sexual relationships with younger teenage girlfriends.
The study, which was published in the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, demonstrated that the men accused in sexual offences against adolescent girls in Canada were “on average 19 years older than the complainant, and almost half of the girls reported abuse by a male family member,” according to a press release.
The study argues that data collected dispels the concerns and myths surrounding the “statutory rape myth” around raising the age of consent, which was set at 16 in 2008.
“The statutory rape myth refers to this idea that if we raise the age of consent to 16…then what we are doing is effectively criminalizing otherwise harmless teenage experimentation, so this idea that the criminal law will capture within it young men and teenage girls who are just experimenting with sex in non-abusive and non-coercive relationships,” said study co-author and University of British Columbia law professor Isabel Grant in a telephone interview with Thursday.
Grant and fellow study author Janine Benedet examined three years’ worth of Canadian case law involving sexual offences against adolescent girls aged 12 to 17.
“We looked at the cases that were being prosecuted to find out ‘are we targeting young men who fall just outside the close-in-age exceptions?’” Grant said adding that “the concern about raising the age of consent hasn’t really been verified by looking at what’s actually happening [in case law)

Written by Edwin Estioko with Laura Phillips - Reporting and Photos by Edwin Estioko

*Warning: This account contains disturbing details of sexual violence.

“How can an abused child praise God the Father, when she was raped by her own father? How can the children thank God when they are being hurt and punched in the face every day? How can they sing songs when their own mothers are taking pictures of them naked and then selling their pictures?”

There’s a new kind of darkness that’s preying on Filipino children in poverty: online sexual exploitation.

Online sexual exploitation, otherwise known as cybersex trafficking, refers to the act of forcing children to remove their clothes and perform unspeakable acts in front of a cell phone or computer camera. These videos are streamed to online predators from anywhere in the world in real time—in most cases, by their own parents or relatives.
View Full Article at COMPASSION CANADA

Compassion connects you and the church around the world to end poverty in the life of a child, in Jesus’ name
Please view "How to Donate or Sponsor a Child" @ Compassion Canada



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Video Game Addiction, or “gaming disorder,” was recently classified as a disease by the WHO. It is an impulse control disorder, similar to pathological gambling, which does not involve the use of an intoxicating substance.

New Studies Show Video Game Addiction Leads to Mental Illness
Excessive video gaming, particularly Internet gaming, has been linked to depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and social phobia. Also, an alarming number of adolescents and young adults devote an inordinate amount of time to engaging in video games.

Internet video gaming involves playing online with other people. It tends to be especially addictive because most generally have no ending. Whereas, standard video games involve a single-player and a clear goal or mission to achieve. Internet video game players create and temporarily become an online character, building relationships with other online players. It is an escape from reality and for some players, it may be the place they feel the most accepted.

This dissociation from reality and real-life relationships results in social isolation and detachment and notably contributes to increased depression and anxiety. The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and suicide ideations increase with along with playing time. These symptoms make dealing with video game addiction difficult. In fact, video games and depression often go hand-in-hand.

Since e-cigarettes were introduced to the United States in 2007, vaping has been touted as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes, even by anti-smoking advocates. The inventor of the first commercially successful e-cigarette claims he was motivated by his father’s death from lung cancer.

That doesn’t mean that vaping is harm-free. There are too many factors and not enough research.
The Dangers of Vaping:
Vaping’s use as a treatment to end smoking cigarettes lacks adequate scientific research to back claims that it is effective or harmless.
Teens who never smoked are vaping, and sometimes go on to smoke traditional cigarettes as well.
There has been a recent rash of young vapers experiencing lung problems, and a few adult vapers have died.
What Is Vaping?
Vaping is a smokeless alternative to smoking. It often uses nicotine but instead of burning tobacco, it heats a liquid containing nicotine, chemicals, and flavorings. One pod of e-liquid is equivalent to a pack of cigarettes. For some users, that might last for days or a week, but others go through several in a day.
When one smokes, one inhales and exhales the smoke from burning tobacco, paper, and many chemicals. When one vapes, one inhales an aerosol, commonly referred to as a vapor, produced by heating a nicotine-infused liquid in an electronic device that is usually designated as an electronic or e-cigarette or a vaporizer.
What is Vaping?
Types of Vapes
Alternatives of Cigarettes
Does Vaping Help Smokers Quit?
Is Vaping Dangerous?
Bad Effects of Vaping
Outbreak of Vaping-Related Illness
Do Vapers in Other Countries Have Health Problems?
Why Do Young People Vape?
Less Conspicuous
It’s Not Smoking
How Can You Tell If Your Child is Vaping?
How Not to Stop Teens from Vaping?
Don’t ban e-cigarettes or vaping pods
Don’t use deceptive scare tactics
Don’t set a bad example
How Do You Stop Teens from Vaping?

R U OK? is a movement to help remind  us all  to connect with one another in a meaningful way and to commit to checking in with the people in our lives who might be struggling. Simply asking someone "Are you Okay?" and taking time for them can make a world of a difference. A simple conversation can change a life. To support this movement in Canada you can buy a tshirt and wear it proudly!
Please email or to buy your tshirt in Prince George. Please let us know your size Small - Med - Large - XL
$20.00 each plus shipping the cheapest possible way :)
For more information about R U OK? visit the Australian website or visit the Jim Young Foundation's website at

Nick Vujicic at Telford State Prison


My name is Nick Vujicic and I’m 33 years old. I was born without arms or legs and given no medical reason for this condition. Faced with countless challenges and obstacles, God has given me the strength to surmount what others might call impossible.
I'm totally in love with the awesome work Life Without Limbs is doing in the lives of inmates, inmate families, prison guards and prison staff through our jail ministry.

It all started last May when I spoke to inmates at the Barry Telford Unit in Texas.
I heard that the measure of success for a prison program is based on how many inmates get up to use the restroom during the presentation. God was good that day last May...not one inmate left the room for the entire time I was speaking. Not just that, but I could literally see their eyes smiling as the truth of God started to seep in through the walls of their hearts. Only God can do that!

Here's what one inmate told me, with tears streaming down his face...
"I've been in jail for 16 years and I'm getting out in two months. Before today, I was so scared! Now that you've shared the love of God with me, I know I will find a way to survive...because of Jesus. Thank you!"

Posted with Permission from Cris Fiore
Written after his Son, Anthony overdosed on drugs
The Mess You’ll Leave Behind

Dear active drug user
I know you believe it’s your life and you’re only hurting yourself. You’re wrong. I know you believe you’re indestructible, that what you’ve witnessed happen to so many of your friends won’t happen to you. You’re wrong again. Sooner or later it will.

Here’s what will happen after you die.

First, someone will find your body. Maybe you’ll die at home and your Mom will find you and start screaming. Maybe you’ll die in your bedroom; maybe in the basement that your Dad rebuilt so you and your friends would have a place to chill. 911 will be called and first responders will come. Paramedics will cut off your shirt, put the paddles on your chest and try to shock your ass back to life, but it won’t work and one of them will turn to your Mom or Dad and say, “I’m sorry, he’s gone.”

Your family will be ushered outside, the police will string up that yellow “crime scene” tape and start their investigation. Your cell phone will be confiscated and your parents will probably never see it again. Hours later, while neighbors start gathering on the front lawn, they’ll put your body in a bag, put the bag on a stretcher and wheel it out to a coroner’s van and take you to the morgue. Maybe they’ll cut you open, take out all your organs, weigh and measure them and them stuff them back inside you and sew you up. More likely, they’ll just draw some blood and urine to do a toxicology screen.

Hopefully, you won’t die in your car. If you do, I hope you’re not driving at the time. I hope the last thing you do on this earth isn’t crashing into and killing someone else, maybe more than one person. I pray that’s not your legacy. If you don’t die at home, your parents will get a visit from the local cops and a ride down to the coroner’s office so they can identify your body.

That first week after you die will be a busy time for your parents. They will need to figure out who in what was your life needs to be notified; the rest of the family, your friends – that will be difficult because the cops have your cell phone so all they’ll be able to do is tell one or two of your closest friends; most of the rest will hear about it pretty quickly, but some won’t learn for weeks — your employer, your school. Lots of tearful phone calls will be made.

Your parents will have to pick a funeral home, arrange for your body to be shipped from the coroner’s office to the funeral home, pick out a casket, find a cemetery, one close by, so your Mom can visit you every day; pick out a nice four by eight foot plot, maybe beside a tree, and buy the only piece of real estate you will ever own. Your Mom will have to pick out the suit you’ll be buried in and deliver it to the funeral home. Your parents will need to decide what your obituary should say; should they acknowledge that you lost your battle with addiction or simply say that you died quietly at home.

Your Mom will go through all of this in a fog because she will be out of her mind with grief. Maybe she’ll carry one of your unwashed shirts around with her for the entire week, holding it to her face so she can smell you. Maybe she’ll sleep in your bed with your shirt and a framed photograph. And she won’t stop crying. Everywhere she turns something else will remind her of you. The leftovers from the last food you bought; the stale remnants of the last soda you ever drank.

One of the women in the neighborhood will organize folks to deliver casseroles and other food to your parents and neighbors will stop by once or twice a day for a week or so bringing food. Preparations will need to be made for your funeral. The church or hall will have to be decorated. Your Mom will want lots of pictures of you and each one she picks out will cause her to cry again. Eulogies will be written and delivered, maybe by your father, maybe by your little brother, maybe both. Your family will stand in a receiving line and will have to hear, “Sorry for your loss” and say, “Thank you for coming.”

After the service, your coffin will be carried outside to a hearse; maybe your little brother will be one of the pallbearers. The hearse will lead a procession of cars, all with their lights on, to the cemetery where there will be more tears, and a prayer will be said before your casket is lowered into the ground. Not everyone will have gone to the cemetery. Someone will volunteer to go to your parent’s house directly after the funeral to set out the food your neighbors have brought for the mourners who will come over after the funeral.

In the weeks after your funeral there will still be more matters to attend to. Your parents will have to wait for the toxicology report to be sent to the coroner’s office so that final death certificate can be prepared. Your parents will need lots of copies so they can notify your creditors, close your bank account, cancel your auto insurance, maybe notify your parole officer.

In the months and years that follow, things won’t get any better. Every holiday will be a time of sadness instead of joy, because it will remind your parents that you’re gone. And now they have another anniversary to make them sad, the anniversary of your death.

I can tell you for a fact that your Mom will never be the same. Some things she used to do joyfully she will no longer be able to do because they are too painful. Remember how she used to like to surprise you with special treats she bought at the food store? Well now she can’t go food shopping because everywhere she turns in the store she sees something she remembers you liked to eat. Those gardens she was so proud of in the front lawn. They’re forgotten now. The only garden she cares about is the tiny one around your grave that she tends almost every day.

So don’t think, and don’t say, that it’s your life and you’re only hurting yourself because that is simple not true. Your actions have consequences and they can be irreversible for you and can destroy the lives of people who love and care about you. Please, please, please, get clean, if not for yourself, then do it for them.

Cris Fiore lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He and his wife Valerie are working tirelessly to help save other people’s children in the name of their beloved son Anthony. The Fiores ask that you PLEASE sign and share the petition for Anthony’s Act , a request that the Affordable Care Act be amended to provide for a minimum of Ninety (90) days inpatient drug or alcohol treatment up to a maximum of One Hundred Eighty (180) days per year at a facility certified to provide such care by the Secretary of Health of the state in which it is located.
Facebook page – Anthony’s Act
Please click on this link to sign the petition

See Cris website Here

Stop Enabling Your Addicted Child

Surviving the Secret Childhood Trauma of a Parent’s Drug Addiction


Keeping your home safe from burglary is neither an expensive nor a difficult process. It ultimately boils down to the elimination of weak points. Most burglars will be sufficiently deterred by anything that makes their life more difficult or riskier.

While your basement can be a weak point, owing to the fact that it is usually unattended at night and at a level a burglar can reach, with a few steps you can bring your basement security up to a level that will make a burglar think twice before attempting to break in.


The U.S. opioid epidemic worsens each year. It currently
claims 115 lives every day and impacts countless families in
its wake. Between 2015 and 2016, the largest opioid overdose
death rate increase occurred among people aged 25 to 34
years, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Today,opioid abuse is the number-one cause of preventable death
among 18-to-35 year-olds.
Here, we look at opioid use among those it affects most:
The Millennial generation, which is comprised of today's
18- to 35-year-olds. We examine why young adults use
opioids, how addiction and dependence develop, and how
exactly treatment works to help end even a severe opioid use
disorder for the long-term.
Table of Contents
-Why Young People Use Opioids
-How Opioid Addiction and Dependence Develop
-Opioid Addiction is Treatable
-The Best Approach to Opioid Addiction Treatment for Young People
-There is Hope

The Ultimate Parent Guide for Protecting Your Child on the Internet

We see news stories about the impact of technology on our everyday lives all the time these days. Many of us started to think about how technology affects us personally. But how many of us have stopped to think about how it affects our children?
85% of mothers said they use technology to keep their children busy.
Kids are receiving their first internet-capable device earlier and earlier. That same study showed that 83% of American households have tablets, and 77% have smartphones.
Even in school, technology is abundant. Teachers set homework that requires online research and tools and use apps to manage that homework.
Technology is always adapting and it’s here to stay, but many do not think about the safety risk in terms of cybersecurity. A recent study revealed a startling figure: 68% of parents never check their children’s online activity. And that online activity increases year after year.
For a lot of children, the online world is more real than the real world. It is crucial to our children’s wellbeing that we understand what they see online, what is out there, both good and bad, and how it impacts their physical and emotional wellbeing.
The problem, as many of us would eagerly admit, is that we feel we don’t really understand the online world. Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter are bewildering enough, without even mentioning 4chan and TOR. Furthermore, we don’t feel that we have the technical skills to navigate this complex landscape.
The good news is that it’s not that difficult to put certain technical controls in place to protect your children online. Far more importantly, the best thing you can do to protect your children is to talk to them; set clear boundaries for what and when they access online, but also to be there for your children when they make a mistake, or when they have gone too far. Isn’t that what parenting fundamentally comes down to?
In this comprehensive guide, we outlined eight areas that you should pay attention to as you navigate this complex online world. Depending on the ages of your children, not all of it will apply to you. Think of it not only as guidelines for what you should do now but what you should pay attention to as your children grow.

The Canadian Centre for Child Protection is a registered charitable organization dedicated to the personal safety of all children. Its goal is to reduce child victimization by providing programs and services to the Canadian public.
Visit to learn more


Welcome to Your Life Counts. We are real, caring people who know what it feels like to struggle with the overwhelming pressures of life at the toughest times…because we’ve been there too.
Reaching out for help is often the most difficult thing to do when you’re feeling low…
but no matter what you’re going through, the Your Life Counts Online Lifeline is available to you at no cost. It's a safe place for you to share your worries / concerns with us confidentially and anonymously as you feel comfortable… we’re here to listen and respond to you one on one… we’ll take you seriously and help you as best we can. We’re here for YOU!
'We' are youth, families, general workers, academics, professionals, athletes and celebrities. Our experienced and qualified team of world leading clinicians, advisors, academics, researchers, front line responders and speakers help shape the YLC that is here for you. Don’t let go of hope. Your life is precious. Your LIFE counts. Keep going and don’t give up! We care about you!


Online ‘Sextortion’: Don’t let shame prevent you from reporting

2016-12-15 12:43 PST
Are you being pressured to send money to a stranger? Do you now live in fear of having intimate images or videos sent to all your Facebook ‘friends’? Are you feeling pressured to purchase one more gift card to avoid having your WeChat messages exposed? If you are, you are not alone.
There have been 161 reports of sextortion conducted via social media in British Columbia between January 1 and November 15, 2016. Sextortion is a form of exploitation that involves the threat of releasing shared intimate videos, images, or explicit messages online.
Typically, these sextortion cases involve a male victim (usually Asian or South Asian) receives an unsolicited friend request via Facebook or WeChat from an account that indicates it is from an Asian female. The man engages in conversation with the woman until it becomes intimate. The woman then asks the man to have a private Skype or WeChat session where the man is asked to engage in online sexual activity including nudity and masturbation.
The woman then ends the session and tells the victim has been videotaped. The suspect threatens to release the video to the victim’s Facebook friends or post the video to YouTube unless money is sent.
The perpetrators demand money ranging from several hundreds to several thousands of dollars per victim, resulting in a total reported loss of $31,665. These exchanges have occurred on all popular social media platforms. Payments are made via Moneygram, Western Union, or iTunes card payments to either the Philippines or a number of other countries including the Ivory Coast and Nigeria. These incidents can cause great emotional distress to the victims.
These sextortion schemes are complex operations that involve people across culture and nations working together to effectively run a very lucrative transnational organized crime networks.
The reported incidents and social media platforms used may differ, but the results are usually the same –payments were made to avoid having nude or compromising photos or video of sexual acts being released publicly.
Police are asking anyone who have been a victim of sextortion to report it to them so that an investigative assessment can be made. There are a number of investigative avenues available to police to ensure all incidents of sextortion are thoroughly investigated.
Police are also urging the public to consider the following safety tips to ensure they don’t become a victim of sextortion.
Don’t accept ‘friend’ requests from strangers
Don’t comply with any threat
Stop all forms of communication with the individual
Deactivate all accounts used to communicate with the individual
Report the incident to police

Cyberbullying and cyberstalking among Internet users aged 15 to 29 in Canada
Almost 1.1M young people hit by cyberbullying, cyberstalking
Please See PDF File
Study Released December 19-2016
You Can Also Go To Statistics Canada Website

What is it? - Spot it - Report it - Prevent it


Statistics Canada - CHILDREN & YOUTH
ation on Canada’s infants, children, teens, adolescents, students, and young adults. Topics include child care arrangements, crime, education, health, immigration, labour, low income, risk behaviours and violence.


250-564-8336(teen) or 1-888-564-8336 (teen)

Or Go to

Youth Against Violence Line - BC

Call the Youth Against Violence Line at 1-800-680-4264 and talk one-on-one to a YAV Line support worker 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or e-mail us at



Help is Available! We are here to listen, here to help – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE), or call your local crisis centre.  The phone lines below are available in over 140 languages using a language service.  Let us know which language you require, and we will try and provide an interpreter.

Contact us: Anywhere in BC: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
Vancouver: 604-872-3311
Sunshine Coast/Sea to Sky: 1-866-661-3311
Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789
Seniors Distress Line: 604-872-1234
Online Chat Service for Youth:
(Noon to 1am)
Online Chat Service for Adults: {Noon to 1am) 

Crisis Lines in BC - Crisis Lines in Canada

Are you in Crisis? Feeling suicidal?

Is someone you know feeling suicidal?

YOUTH BC - Anti Bullying


Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Bullying and Cyberbullying
Bullying happens when there is an imbalance of power; where someone purposely and repeatedly says or does hurtful things to someone else. Bullying can occur one on one or in a group(s) of people. There are many different forms of bullying:
•Physical bullying(using your body or objects to cause harm): includes hitting, punching, kicking, spitting or breaking someone else's belongings.
•Verbal bullying (using words to hurt someone): includes name calling, put-downs, threats and teasing.
•Social bullying (using your friends and relationships to hurt someone): includes spreading rumours, gossiping, excluding others from a group or making others look foolish or unintelligent. This form of bullying is most common among girls (Canadian Children's Rights Council).

Is Your Teen Stealing Your Prescription Drugs?

I Was Sure I Had More Pills Left
Young people are abusing prescription drugs in rapidly increasing numbers. Without concern for safety or side effects, children as young as twelve are habitually taking opiates, central nervous system (CNS) depressants, and stimulants, to get high and self-medicate. A recent survey by the Partnership for a Drug Free America indicates that one in five teens report taking prescription medication for non-medical purposes. The National Institute on Drug Abuse and the University of Michigan reported a 26 percent swell in teenage abuse of Oxycontin-a powerful opiate-since 2002. Overall, the number of teens abusing prescription drugs has tripled since 1992. Just as with other narcotics, the risks to our youth are tremendous, not only as an immediate hazard to their health, but also because it sets teens on a proven path to other criminal behavior. The threat of prescription drug abuse has been largely misunderstood and unobserved; with the menace mounting it is time for that to change.

DON’T assume your child already knows the dangers of drug and alcohol use and abuse, or that they could never fall victim.
A lot of kids think that you can only become addicted if you use a lot of a substance or use it repeatedly, but for some, all it takes is a single taste. Make sure your child understands that risk, and never brush off an instance of his or her using as a fluke.

What exactly is an intervention, and why should I have one with my child?
Is Your Home an Accomplice for Your Rebellious Teen? - by HomeAdvisor
Your teenager may very well know more about the Internet than you do. Many filters are ineffective as Internet-savvy teenagers can use a web proxy to circumvent these restrictions. In fact, your teenager may be using your home computer to circumvent restricted websites at school. Worse yet, unsafe web traffic is a constant danger. Dangerous persons may be trying to lull your kid into meeting face-to-face through a growing number of social networking sites. Disturbingly, even some pornographic websites advertise ways of meeting other users in the real world. Meanwhile, cyber-based con-artists have set up online scams, including ways of stealing your identity.
By calling in a computer professional, you can make sure your computer has the most advanced safeguards, including an evaluation of lingering vulnerabilities, and new ways of tracking your PCs online activity.

Dangers of Bullying - Bullying is not harmless
Dangers of Bullying
Bullying is a major health issue and the side-effects are immediate and long-lasting. In the most tragic of cases, bullying has had fatal consequences. Children and adolescents who are involved in bullying (either as an aggressor, as a victim, or both) put themselves at risk for a number of emotional and behavioural problems, now and in the future, and require support to learn how to develop healthy relationships

Many More Pictures to scroll through


It is time to stand up to bullying



What is BroTalk?
BroTalk is a free, confidential and anonymous service that provides
counselling and information to help teen guys (and those who identify as male)
tackle their challenges and stresses, big or small. Whatever you’re
dealing with, you don’t have to face it alone. Chat or Phone, we’re here to
support you.

SEE BroTalk

Bully B'ware Productions Inc - 6 Bedingfield Street
Port Moody, BC, V3H 3N1 - Canada

Toll Free: 1-888-552-8559 - Website Email
SOS Society - Surpassing Our Survival
Sexual Violence Prevention and Counselling Services
193 Quebec Street
Prince George, BC V2L1W1 - Canada
ph: 250-564-8302 Website


Road To Healing
Restoring Hope
Suicidal? Call 1-800-273-825524/7 Lifeline ~ ChatHearing/Speech Impaired TTY Equipment: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police
A Great website with multiple resources

Bullying and Cyberbullying

Is a registered national charity and Canada-wide anti-bullying
program developed in 2009 by B.C. teacher Trevor Knowlton, which allows any student who is a victim or witness of bullying and cyberbullying to be able to safely report the details to school officials.   Any student, at any school
in Canada, can use this reporting service which is provided at no cost to
all students and schools.  The Stop A Bully program helps increase bullying awareness & accountability within schools to allow
officials to be more proactive in preventing serious incidents of bullying.  
Stop A Bully provides schools with critical information to be proactive in assisting all students who are witness, target and perpetrator of school bullying.
Erase Bullying for Youth - Parents

What is bullying?
Simply put, bullying is a pattern of unwelcome or aggressive behaviour,
often with the goal of making others uncomfortable, scared or hurt. It’s almost always used as a way of having control or power over their target, and it is often based on another person’s appearance, culture, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity

All incidents of bullying are serious and need to be addressed. As you’ll discover in this section, the impact bullying has on the victim and the bully is very serious.

Crisis Pregnancy Centre
250 - 562-4464
Safety for Teens and Children
Vancouver Police
Bullying Information
The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention

The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) provides information and resources to reduce the suicide rate and minimize the harmful consequences of suicidal behaviour.
KEEP KIDS SAFE - Ministry of Education BC
& Much Other Information
Child Abuse - Family Violence - Kids Safe - Legal Aid
I You Have any Suggestions
Please Email Me
Young Workers
You're under 25. And you're eager to work and contribute your ideas. Did you know that you have rights protecting you against workplace health and safety hazards, and to ensure that you are treated fairly? Employers and supervisors have duties under the law to protect you. Check out our resources below to learn more about your rights and responsibilities on the job.
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids


Al-Anon AlaTeen
Teen Corner
A place just for teens affected by someone else’s alcoholism.


Al-anon - Alateen

Canada - USA & Burmuda
Find An International Meeting


This is an Awesome Resource - Click the Link Below



Talking to their kids about drugs and alcohol
Addiction Treatment Guide
Driving Safety With Deer On the Road
Teens Drinking and driving: The truth
Texting While Driving

Teens, Addiction, and Suicide: Facts and Tips for Helping Addicted Youth

Being a teenager is difficult under any circumstances, but being a teenager who has an addiction to drugs or alcohol is even more difficult. Understanding why teens turn to drugs and alcohol is an important first step in helping them to avoid suicide, because many of the underlying causes of drug or alcohol abuse involve the same factors that lead to teen suicide. By helping addicted teens through the issues that cause their addiction, it is possible also to prevent their potential suicide.

Facts about Teens and Addiction

While it may not be a good reason, teens often abuse drugs or alcohol simply because they are teens and must handle all of the challenges that accompany the teen years: they must figure out who they are as they transition from childhood to adulthood, make difficult choices, want to experiment, and lack the experience to know which choices are going to lead to more harm than they can anticipate.

And, while researchers have found that teens do not actually have the feelings of invincibility that the myth perpetuates, they do understand the risks of their behavior but believe the benefits and fun are worth the risk.

The facts about teen drug experimentation and abuse are staggering:
● 50% of all new drug users are under the age of 18
● The majority of adults with an addiction first experimented with drugs before the age of 21
● Approximately 20% of high school seniors reported binge drinking in 2014, and nearly 40% had used alcohol in the last month
● More than 20% of teens reported having used marijuana at least once in the past month
● Most high school seniors do not think smoking marijuana occasionally carries any risk
● Nearly 40% of teens who abuse prescription medication obtain the drugs from their parents’ medicine cabinet
● 1 in 5 teens has abused prescription medication

Teens often turn to alcohol and drugs because they want to self-medicate. Teens see getting high or drunk as a way to escape their problems and as a way to numb or ease their pain. They use substances to be more social or comfortable, to make life more bearable, to fit in with their peers, etc.

The Link Between Teenage Addiction and Suicide

Teenage suicide is the third leading cause of death for teens in the United States. One cause of teenage suicide is drug and alcohol abuse. Drug abuse intensifies teens’ depression or sadness and leads to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

Teens also can experience a crash when they abuse drugs, and the associated physical illness and feelings of sadness contribute to depression and suicidal thoughts. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that nearly 10% of drug-related trips to the emergency room for adolescents involve attempted suicide. And, in many of these cases, access to prescription drugs was to blame. The study also found that teenage girls are nearly three times more likely than boys to attempt suicide for drug-related reasons.

A study conducted by the University of Southern Illinois’ Core Institute found that “students who drink or use drugs are much more likely to have suicidal tendencies than those who do not use substances. For example, 8.15% of binge drinkers have thought about committing suicide and 2.34% report attempting suicide.

Similar comparisons hold for students who drink at all, who use marijuana, and who use other illegal drugs. Only 2.34% of non-drinkers have thought about committing suicide, with only .78% attempting suicide.” Clearly, teens who use drugs and alcohol need help before they attempt or complete suicide.

Tips for Helping Addicted Teens

It is critical to help addicted teens receive the help and treatment they need and deserve. Professional treatment is necessary to help teens work through the issues that led to their addiction and possible suicidal thoughts in the first place. The following tips will be helpful in getting your addicted teen the help they need before it is too late.

1. Contact an addiction specialist or local drug and alcohol treatment facility for guidance in confronting your teen and determining the best treatment options. Call sooner rather than later.
2. Determine which treatment program is best suited for your teen. With guidance from the specialist or treatment facility officials, in- and out-patient treatments are available. Some programs include a combination of treatment and medication to help your teen get sober and handle their depression and suicidal thoughts.
3. If your teen has run away, establish a plan and goals for visiting and discussing treatment options. Consult with professionals as needed be sure to be calm and direct.

You can help an addicted teen work through his underlying issues and addiction if you make an effort to understand the problem and find appropriate treatment options. The key is to get help as soon as possible, before the teen resorts to suicide.

Sara Bell grew up in a family of teachers—her dad has taught high school for 30 years and her mom is a university professor. At EducatorLabs, she puts the lessons they instilled in her about the importance of curiosity and learning to great use. When she isn’t working, she enjoys reading, writing, and knitting.

Image via Pixabay by HannahJoe7



Many people do not understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. It is often mistakenly assumed that drug abusers lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop using drugs simply by choosing to change their behavior. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting takes more than good intentions or a strong will.
If you’re worried about your own or a friend or family member’s drug use, it’s important to know that help is available. Learning about the nature of drug abuse and addiction—how it develops, what it looks like, and why it can have such a powerful hold—will give you a better understanding of the problem and how to best deal with it.

Why We Should Treat,
Not Blame Addicts Struggling to Get ‘Clean’

Journalist David Sheff talks with Judy Woodruff about his new book,
“Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America’s Greatest Tragedy.”

SEE WEBSITE: The Guide To Building Bridges
In a given year, there are 23.5 million people aged 12 and over who need treatment for drug or alcohol abuse problems, according to data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. That’s a reported 9.3% of people in that age range. According to the CDC, 28,000 people died from opioid use in 2014. That same year, 16.3 million people aged 18 and over had an alcohol use disorder, while 24.7% of the people in the same age group admitted to binge-drinking within the previous month of being surveyed.

How to Talk to a Child About a Parent’s Addiction

What to Do If Your Teen or Young Adult Has a Problem with Drugs

As more and more seniors choose to age in place in the homes where they raised their families, there is more need than ever for all of us - regardless of age - to make sure we know how to be safe in our homes. Here are some articles on home safety that are useful for people of all generations (not just senior citizens}

A to Z Guide to Security, Safety and Prevention

Tips to Ensure Safety of Seniors at Home

Home Construction & Design Techniques for Child Safety

Have a House Fire Evacuation Plan

Guide to Handling a Hoarding Spouse

20 Ways to Keep Kids Safe When They Are Home Alone

How to Make Your Home Handicap Accessible

Child Safety Guide: Making the Move from an Urban Area to a Rural One

Helping an Adult Family Member or Friend with a Drug or Alcohol Problem

Do you have an adult family member or friend with a drug or alcohol problem? You’re probably wondering how you can help. Here are 7 answers to questions you may be asking.



Cannabis Use and Alcohol Abuse
How Cannabis Increases Risk of Alcohol Addiction

The Key To Stopping Alcohol Addiction Is Personalized Treatment

"According to Medical News Today, “Marijuana contains over 400 chemicals, with delta-9-tetrahydro-cannabinol (THC) the key psychoactive (mind-altering) substance in the drug. The possible effects of marijuana include mood changes, suicidal thinking and disruption to normal learning abilities. It may also be capable of producing dependency, psychosis and addiction.”
What You’ll Find in This Guide:
Evaluating Cannabis Use and Abuse in the U.S.
Does Cannabis Increase the Risk of Alcohol Addiction?
The Dangers of Cross-Addiction: When Marijuana and Alcohol Collide
Appropriate Use Cases: Is Cannabis a Viable Treatment Option for Medical Purposes?
Please go to this great website with much more information ALCOHOL TREATMENT

Legal Consequences of Cyberbullying
It's not just bullying - it's criminal

Bullying stops us from being who we want to be, and prevents us from expressing ourselves freely, and might even make us feel unsafe. If you are bullied, say something! If you are bullying, it’s not cool!


BULLYING.ORG's purpose is to prevent bullying in our society through education and awareness. We provide educational programs and resources to individuals, families, educational institutions and organizations. We make available online learning and educational resources in order to help people deal effectively and positively with the act of bullying and its long-lasting negative consequences.




Over 750,000 hits have been generated since January - 2005