Because He Cares

He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done Proverbs 19:17
Home - Who Are We - Journey of Hope - My Story - Prince George

Subject Locator Index

Addictions - Alateen - Bullying - Child Abuse - Christian Connections - Compassionate Friends - Counseling Agencies - Coroners Service - Court Services - Criminal Harrasment - Dare - Death and Healing - Domestic Violence - Drugs
Drug User >>The Mess You’ll Leave Behind - Emergency Help - Family Justice - Family & Kids - Family Violence - Funeral Options - Grief Share & Care Support Resources - Grieving Healing - Health Concerns - Helpful Guidelines in Death - Keep Kids Safe - Kids Corner - Legal Aid - Legal Information - My Story - Peace Bonds - Police Links - RCMP Victim Services - Senior Connections - Suicide Prevention - Support Groups - Teen Connections - Victim Impact Statement - Victim Support Prince George & BC - Victim Assistance Information - Youth Issues
- Please see my Subject Index for many Resources

R U OK? is a movement to help remind  us all  to connect with one another in a meaningful way and to commit to checking in with the people in our lives who might be struggling. Simply asking someone "Are you Okay?" and taking time for them can make a world of a difference. A simple conversation can change a life. To support this movement in Canada you can buy a tshirt and wear it proudly!
Please email or to buy your tshirt in Prince George. Please let us know your size Small - Med - Large - XL
$20.00 each plus shipping the cheapest possible way :)
For more information about R U OK? visit the Australian website or visit the Jim Young Foundation's website at






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